
CGA Cherry Industry Awards for Excellence

The CGA Cherry Industry Awards for Excellence celebrate outstanding achievement and innovation within the Australian cherry industry. Awarded bi-annually at the Australian cherry industry conference they recognise excellence in areas such as cherry growing, marketing, research and agri-tourism and honour individuals and organisations that demonstrate leadership, sustainability and impactful contributions to the industry.


The award categories for 2024 are:

  • Industry Recognition Awards – awarded to individuals going above and beyond in growing, marketing or agri-tourism. 
  • Lifetime Achievement Awards

Presentation of the Awards 

The awards ceremony will be held biannually at the Australian cherry industry conference, this year being held on 1st August 2024.

Award recipients are invited to the CGA Gala Dinner, as part of the Australian Cherry Industry Conference at which their award is presented, and their achievements shared and celebrated by the cherry industry.  


Who is Eligible?

Nominations are open to anyone working in or contributing to the progress of the Australian cherry industry is eligible.


Selection Process 

Nominations will be judged on merit taking into consideration any subsequent information requested by the selection committee, including but not limited to, follow up interviews, referee checks and/or business visits.


Nomination Deadlines

Nominations open from 3rd April – 31st May 2024.


Award Categories

Industry Recognition Awards 

Sub categories: Growing, Marketing, Agri-tourism.

Open to all cherry growers who can demonstrate some of these characteristics: 

  • Show industry leadership, demonstrated across a range of production areas including: growing, environmental management, staff management and excellence in fruit quality.
  • Implement innovative farming practices and technologies, such as integrated pest management, minimising wastage, water conservation, precision agriculture, technology advances and value-adding to product.
  • Show commitment to sustainability and environmental practices.
  • Actively contribute to the broader industry (such as participating in webinars, workshops, industry committees, forums, conferences, or field days).
  • Shown successful development and execution of creative marketing strategies that have delivered tangible and measurable results for their business or businesses they support within the last 3 years.
  • Delivered innovation in branding and packaging that has enhanced market visibility.
  • Demonstrated an increase in market share and consumer engagement through marketing strategies.
  • Created new market opportunities for cherry fruit and products.
  • Creating an engaging and educational agritourism experience for visitors to their orchards.
  • Achieving a positive impact on the local community through agritourism activities.
  • Promoting cultural and agricultural understanding through tours and events.
  • Applying innovative approaches to connect consumers with the cherry growing process.
  • Implementing programs that capture the interest of consumers and the general public, and promote a better understanding of the cherry industry.


Lifetime Achievement Award

The Lifetime Achievement Award is a prestigious honour awarded to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional dedication, leadership, and long-term commitment to the Australian cherry industry. This award recognises those who have made significant, enduring contributions that have positively impacted the industry over many years.

Open to all individuals who;

  • Demonstrated significant and lasting contributions to the growth, innovation, and sustainability of the cherry industry.
  • Recognised as a leader and mentor within the industry.
  • Actively engaged with the cherry industry community, including participation in industry events, forums, and advocacy. Supported and encouraged the development of others within the industry.


Frequently Asked Questions

When do nominations close?

Nominations are open from 3rd April – 7th June 2024. 

How do I nominate?

To be considered for an award, all applicants must complete the online nomination form and address the selection criteria. Feel free to provide further information or evidence to support the nomination.


Can I nominate for multiple categories? 

Yes, you can nominate an individual for multiple categories if they meet the selection criteria. 

Can I nominate myself?

No, you must be nominated by one of your peers.

Can I receive an award more than once? 

Yes, you can receive an award in the same category more than once, however, your contribution needs to be significantly different as to why you may have received it in the past.   

Can I nominate someone the next year if they are unsuccessful the first time? 

Yes! We encourage individuals, who were previously unsuccessful, to renominate.

What do the Award recipients receive? 

Award trophy and a prize such as Travel Vouchers to the value of $1,000. 


We wish all nominees the best of luck!i

If you have any queries please contact the Communications Officer at CGA