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Spotted anything unusual?

Cherry postcard - Spotted anything unusual? (medium)

Nothing will protect your crops more than a good hard look

Biosecurity is everybody’s responsibility

In Australia, biosecurity operates as a partnership between government, industry and the community. Ultimately, biosecurity is everybody’s responsibility. Being at the front line, producers have an important role in keeping watch for exotic pests, diseases and weeds.

Early detection and reporting is the key to protecting orchards, industries and the communities that rely on them. Every moment lost harms our chance of successful eradication.

If you spot anything unusual on your crop please report it. You can call the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881. The call is free, except for mobiles.

For more information visit: or

Improving national biosecurity outcomes through partnerships

Exotic plant pest hotline
1800 084 881

Look, be alert, call an expert

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